Kitchen Workflows

With PromptlyPOS Kitchen Display Systems, you can design advanced, intelligent workflows that boost efficiency and communication- even when your staff isn’t in talking distance!

How does it work?

Every kitchen is different, but here’s an example of a kitchen workflow to make you more efficient than ever.

Step 1. Order is Taken

An order is taken by phone, at a table, or at the counter. The order is then sent to the kitchen.

Step 2. Kitchen Workstations

Each dish for the course goes to their appropriate station in the kitchen, with timers to coordinate when the order is made. Timers allow each station to coordinate when to fire their items.

Step 3. Delay Groups

Kitchen stations that were waiting on other stations receive the order once it’s cleared from prerequisite stations. (i.e. fry station waiting on the entree to fire the onion rings) 

Step 4. Service Station Alerts

Once all of the items on the ticket are cleared from their respective stations, the service or delivery station is alerted that an order is ready for the customer – without ever saying a word.

Delay, Time, Coordinate

Menu items and Modifiers can be sent to different stations with:

  • Smart delays
    Wait for another item to clear before displaying at certain stations.
  • Bump Timers
    See how long ago items were bumped from other displays. (when did the haddock go into the oven?)
  • Seemless Coordination
    All displays track when items are bumped from other displays.
  • Synchronization
    Kitchen displays sychronize automatically, you can even run multiple screens for the same station!

Know when your orders are ready.

Once all items and modifiers are bumped from all kitchen displays, your staff will know when an order is ready:

  • Service Station
    Service stations can use a kitchen display to show when all items are finished and ready to serve
  • Delivery Station
    Once orders are completed, they can automatically be routed to a delivery station where drivers can collect the latest orders and load up without confusion from the kitchen staff.
  • Customer Stations
    Takeout heavy business? Set up a customer station to show waiting customers which orders are up, and which have already been called. Automatically clear orders once they’re closed / paid for.

Ready To Get Started?